CLPX Field Experiment Plan - December 7, 2001

Table 3. Characteristics of the intensive study areas, the general physiographic regimes they are considered to represent, and the approximate percentage of global, seasonally snow-covered areas having these characteristics.
MSA Characteristics Physiographic Regime % Global Coverage
North Park Low-relief grassland , with shrubs in wetter areas and few trees. Shallow, windswept snow covers and extensive frozen soils. Prairie
Rabbit Ears Moderate-relief area with mixed coniferous/deciduous forests and large forest gaps. Moderate to deep snow covers. Woodlands,
Low Mountains/Foothills,
Boreal Forest
Fraser High-relief area with predominantly coniferous, subalpine forests at middle to upper elevations and alpine tundra at highest elevations. Lower elevations (broad valley bottom) are unforested, irrigated grazing land Moderate to deep snow covers, increasing with elevation. Boreal Forest,
Intermountain Regions,
High Mountains,