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Special Purpose Imagery > Special Purpose Imagery Archive

Special Purpose Imagery Archive

The following are ad hoc-generated images for special projects, grouped by geographic region. Note: some of the linked images are large georeferenced JPG or TIFF files that have been compressed using the tar and gzip utilities.

Select a Region Overview
Upper Midwest
Lower Mississippi

Full resolution Landsat imagery is available from USGS.
MODIS imagery is available from NASA.
Flood information is from NWS AHPS.

Northeast Region
Northeast snowstorm - 2011-10-30

This is a TERRA MODIS composite image that uses bands 7-2-1 as R-G-B. Snow can be seen on the ground as cyan, with white being cloud. Image postprocessing was done at University of Wisconsin SSEC.

This scene is GIS-ready with the additional .jgw file.

Northeast snowstorm - 2011-10-30
Remaining snow in the Hudson Valley - 2011-03-08

This TM image taken March 8, 2011 from LANDSAT-5 shows the remaining snow in the Hudson River valley. The multi-spectral satellite bands (7,2,1) are displayed as (RGB) in the image. Snow, river ice, and frozen lakes are tinted cyan, light woodland and suburban areas in red, urban concentration in whitish gray, and the New Jersey Pine Barrens as dark reddish-brown.

This scene was captured and preprocessed at the EROS Data Center, with further processing at NOHRSC. A full resolution georegistered Landsat image suitable for importing into a GIS can be found here (179 MB). The scene ID used was LT50140312011067EDC00.

This scene is GIS-ready with the additional .jgw file.

Remaining snow in the Hudson Valley - 2011-03-08
Flooding south of Middletown, NY - 2011-03-08

This zoomed-in image is of flooded agricultural fields south of Middletown, NY. The multi-spectral satellite bands (7,2,1) are displayed as (RGB) in the image. Snow, river ice, and frozen lakes are tinted cyan, light woodland and suburban areas in red, and urban concentration in whitish gray.

This scene was captured and preprocessed at the EROS Data Center, with further processing at NOHRSC.

This scene is GIS-ready with the additional .jgw file.

Flooding south of Middletown, NY - 2011-03-08
Snow in New England - 2011-01-31

This is a TERRA MODIS composite image that uses bands 7-2-1 as R-G-B. Image postprocessing by MODIS-Today at University of Wisconsin SSEC.

This scene is GIS-ready with the additional .jgw file.

Snow in New England - 2011-01-31
Esopus Creek at Ashokan Reservoir East, NY - 2009-08-01

The latest river stage was 587.71 ft at 1:30 PM EDT on 08/04. Flood stage is 589.0 ft.

This scene is GIS-ready with the additional .jgw file.

Esopus Creek at Ashokan Reservoir East, NY - 2009-08-01
Housatonic River at Falls Village, CT - 2009-08-01

The latest river stage was 6.5 ft at 10:30 AM EDT on 08/04. Flood stage is 7.0 ft.

This scene is GIS-ready with the additional .jgw file.

Housatonic River at Falls Village, CT - 2009-08-01
Schoharie Creek at Gilboa Dam, NY - 2009-08-01

The latest river stage was 1125.85 ft at 1:30 PM EDT on 08/04. Flood stage is 1130.5 ft.

This scene is GIS-ready with the additional .jgw file.

Schoharie Creek at Gilboa Dam, NY - 2009-08-01
East Branch Delaware at Pepacton Reservoir, NY - 2009-08-01

The latest river stage was 1279.87 ft at 2:00 PM EDT on 08/04. Flood stage is 1281.0 ft.

This scene is GIS-ready with the additional .jgw file.

East Branch Delaware at Pepacton Reservoir, NY - 2009-08-01
Neversink River at Neversink Reservoir, NY - 2009-08-01

The latest river stage was 1440.27 ft at 1:45 PM EDT on 08/04. Flood stage is 1441.5 ft.

This scene is GIS-ready with the additional .jgw file.

Neversink River at Neversink Reservoir, NY - 2009-08-01

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