CLPX Field Experiment Plan - December 7, 2001

Table 9. Location and major characteristics of intensive study areas. UTM coordinates are given for upper left (UL) and lower right (LR) corners.
Site Name UL UTM LR UTM Characteristics
NP Potter Creek
(North Park ISA)
387,653 E
4,503,210 N
388,653 E
4,502,210 N
Dry grassland with isolated shallow ponds, on a flat aspect with low relief; shallow windswept snow cover.
NI Illinois River
(North Park ISA)
393,504 E
4,506,210 N
394,504 E
4,505,210 N
Wet grassland with widespread meandering riparian areas, on a flat aspect with low relief; shallow windswept snow cover.
NM Michigan River
(North Park ISA) 
399,494 E
4,500,540 N
400,494 E
4,499,540 N
Dry sage-grassland (larger vegetation) with moderate relief; shallow windswept snow cover.
RB Buffalo Pass
(Rabbit Ears ISA)
357,076 E
4,488,891 N
358,076 E
4,487,891 N
Dense coniferous forest interspersed with open meadows; low rolling topography with deep snow packs.
RS Spring Creek
(Rabbit Ears ISA)
350,558 E
4,488,451 N
351,558 E
4,487,451 N
Moderate density deciduous forest (aspen); moderate topography on west-facing slope, with moderate snow packs.
RW Walton Creek
(Rabbit Ears ISA)
359,645 E
4,474,079 N
360,645 E
4,473,079 N
Broad meadow interspersed with small, dense stands of coniferous forest; low rolling topography with deep snow packs.
FS St. Louis Creek
(Fraser ISA)
425,253 E
4,420,309 N
426,253 E
4,419,309 N
Moderate-density coniferous (lodgepole pine) forest, on a flat aspect with low relief.
FF Fool Creek
(Fraser ISA)
425,488 E
4,415,259 N
426,488 E
4,414,259 N
Moderately high-density coniferous (spruce-fir) forest, on wet north-facing slope.
FA Alpine
(Fraser ISA)
425,903 E
4,411,844 N
426,903 E
4,410,844 N
Alpine tundra, with some subalpine coniferous forest; generally north-facing with moderate relief.